Meet Megan
Customer Experience Expert, Author, Keynote Speaker, and Advocate for Your Success
Customer Experience Pioneer, Fortune 500 Strategic Advisor, Author, and Keynote Speaker
Megan Burns is one of the world's foremost experts on leading experience transformation at scale.
A CX pioneer and thought leader, she combines her expertise and practical empathy to help corporations deliver world-class customer and employee experience.

Her client list includes:
of the largest health insurance providers in the United States
of the largest banks in the US (and all 5 Canadian banks)
of the top 10 US property & casualty insurers
of the 10 largest technology companies in the world
A Note from Megan
I’ve been asked this question more times than I can count.
Chances are you’ve been asked the same question. You may have even asked yourself, especially after a frustrating meeting when it feels like nothing you do is making much of a difference.
Leading CX is tough. It’s not just picking the right CX technology or figuring out what your customers need and want.
It’s trying to explain how CX permeates every aspect of an organization to people who’ve never studied CX—and then trying to help them take ownership of their piece of the CX puzzle, often without any direct authority to make them act. Whew!
For me, the answer is you. You are why I’m in the field of CX.
I want to help you improve the lives of your customers AND your employees by moving past the obstacles so common in this field to spark a CX transformation. I want to see you win over that key stakeholder, change someone’s perspective on CX, and gain a new level of influence that pushes your CX initiatives forward even faster.
In short, I want to see you succeed. Because when you succeed, so does everyone else.

Schedule an Exploratory Call.
Find out how Megan can help you
reach your CX goals.