Customer Experience Resources

Thoughtful Insights and a Fresh Perspective from CX Expert Megan Burns

Customer Experience Pioneer, Fortune 500 Strategic Advisor, Author, and Keynote Speaker


Word Nerd Wednesday – HIATUS

Hiatus comes from the Latin verb “hiare,” meaning “to stand open.” It originally referred to physical openings like the mouth of a cave or a gap in rocks. People started using it to describe a break in time or events around the early 17th century. In that spirit, #WordNerdWednesday will be taking a hiatus for … Read more

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Word Nerd Wednesday – DOG DAYS

Here in New England we’ve officially reached the “dog days” of summer. Hot. Humid. Ick. I always thought we called them the “dog days” because, in this weather, all anyone wants to do is lay around and drink water a la the spoiled family dog. It turns out that’s not true. The term “dog days” … Read more

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Users, Influencers, and Buyers… OH MY!

For the past 8 years, all of my work has been with B2B firms. My mission is to help them grow by understanding and meeting their customers’ needs better than anyone else – but that’s trickier in B2B than in B2C. B2B firms serve multiple roles within a single “customer” account. Understanding the needs, perceptions, … Read more

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How Do We Activate Employees to Deliver “Consistently Good, Strategically Amazing” Experiences?

The Delighted Customers Podcast


5 Customer Experience Trends For The Future

5 Customer Experience Trends For the Next 5 Years

Inc. Magazine


Megan shares useful techniques, tools, and guidance for activating a robust CX program in your organization.

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