Customer Experience Resources

Thoughtful Insights and a Fresh Perspective from CX Expert Megan Burns

Customer Experience Pioneer, Fortune 500 Strategic Advisor, Author, and Keynote Speaker


Word Nerd Wednesday – CARAT/KARAT

I’ve always loved jewelry. Maybe it’s because my parents met working in a jewelry store! Still, I never knew the origin of the words “carat” (measure of gemstone weight) or “karat” (measure of gold purity) until last week when I watched a documentary on the ancient Nabateans. Back then, seeds of the Carob tree were … Read more

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Word Nerd Wednesday – BALANCE

I was listening to a podcast the other day when the speaker said something that caught my ear. She said “CEOs have to deal with three stakeholder groups – customers, employees, and investors. All three of these groups, if left to their own devices, would bankrupt the company.” It was an elegant way of articulating … Read more

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Word Nerd Wednesday – CYNICISM

I’ve written and talked a lot about trust lately, and one thing keeps bugging me – the verbal clunkiness of the terms “high trust” and “low trust” culture. Are they descriptive? Yes. Do they roll off the tongue? No. It’s not a huge problem, but we word nerds are always searching for a better way. … Read more

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How Do We Activate Employees to Deliver “Consistently Good, Strategically Amazing” Experiences?

The Delighted Customers Podcast


5 Customer Experience Trends For The Future

5 Customer Experience Trends For the Next 5 Years

Inc. Magazine


Megan shares useful techniques, tools, and guidance for activating a robust CX program in your organization.

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