Better CX is like eating healthy and exercising. It’s not enough to want it.

Better CX is like eating healthy and exercising. It’s not enough to want it.

Culture change programs are hard to get going, and in most cases the change doesn’t stick. They’re about as likely to succeed as the pledge you made to “eat healthy and exercise” back January. Here’s why it’s so hard – and what you can do make CX change go deeper and last longer. People can’t … Read more

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Culture is central to customer experience. But what exactly is it?

You know that culture is the key to great customer experience (CX). But what do we mean when we talk about culture? Here’s my definition: Culture is made up of a group’s shared assumptions about the nature of the world and how to succeed in it. People use these assumptions to decide what’s going on … Read more

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Trust Is A Must For A Customer-Centric Culture

Business leaders are knee-deep in planning season. One question keeps coming up over and over again: “With all the things we could do to improve CX in 2018, what should be top priority?”

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Improving CX Starts With A Trip Into The Unconscious

If your company wants to be a leader in customer experience (CX), few things will impact your ability to get there more than culture. It’s critical, and it’s also one of the hardest things to change.

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What It Really Means To Make Customers “Happy”

Emotion was a hot topic at all three of the conferences I went to last week (Shoptalk, IBM Amplify, and Adobe Digital Marketing Summit). I’m thrilled that companies are starting to think about, and measure, how they make customers feel. But emotions are only one piece of the puzzle. Noted psychologist Martin Seligman says it takes more … Read more

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Cultivating Civility

This post originally appeared in the 2017 CX Outlook, a free e-book curated by Kerry Bodine & Co. and Swedish design firm Doberman. Other thought leaders who contributed include Josh Bernoff, author of Writing Without Bullshit, Ingrid Lindberg former chief customer officer at Cigna turned CX consultant, and musician Dave Carroll of United Breaks Guitars fame. Download the full e-book … Read more

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My New Adventure In Human Experience

As you may have heard, I left Forrester after 10 years as an analyst in the customer experience (CX) research practice. People keep asking what prompted such a big change and what I’m doing now, so here’s the scoop.   I’ve watched companies spend millions of dollars and thousands of person-hours trying to master CX. … Read more

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