To call someone “august” is to say they are venerable, majestic, noble.
I find it ironic that the month of August – named such in honor of Julius Augustus Caesar – has none of those qualities, at least not for me.
A more fitting name in my mind would be “Almost.”
- Summer is almost over.
- School has almost started. Same with Autumn/Fall.
- Almost all of Europe seems to be away on holiday.
There are no major holidays or celebrations, either, unless you count National S’mores Day (8/10) or World Honeybee Day (8/20).
I’m not saying I don’t like August. It’s a fine month.
Sunflowers are in season. Fresh, sweet corn is overflowing in stores. The Perseid meteor shower appears in August, too. And we’ve had exceptional weather so far this year (knock on wood).
I’m just never sure what to do with what feels like an “in between” time.
Does anyone else experience a similar sense of limbo this time of year?
Any traditions that make the month of August more exciting?