Word Nerd Wednesday – EMBIGGEN

WNW Master 2024 (6)

Some words are just fun to say.

Like “embiggen.”

True, it’s not technically a word, but I came across it in a blog post by author Phil Simon.

He’d written the following below an image in the post: “Click to embiggen.”

Confession: Reading it made me giggle.

Serious adults aren’t supposed to giggle, I know. But this got me thinking…perhaps we should.

It is impossible to feel grumpy and giggle at the same time.

I still chuckle when I think of two I made up as part of this WNW series – “kidsplain” and “slideument.”

They’re not just fun to day, they describe concepts that didn’t have names of their own at the time.

Maybe they’ll catch on and end up in Merriam-Webster someday!

What words that make you giggle – or at least smile – when you see?

Are there words you just find fun to say?

Please share!