Word Nerd Wednesday: Kidsplain


I made this word up, but the phenomenon exists. I felt it last night while letting my 9-year-old neice take me on a tour of her favorite computer games.

I know nothing about video games and told her that, but she assumed I know nothing about any technology and went on to lecutre me on the definition of user generated content and why it’s important for the Internet. What she didn’t know is – I’ve been writing about that topic since before she was born. I couldn’t get a word in edgewise so I just bit my tongue and tried not to laugh. She’s too cute.

But this morning I started to wonder if I should have corrected her. Male or female, old or young, we ALL need to ask what our audience knows about a topic before launching into an explanation they don’t need or want. That’s good communication 101.

So I’m curious…have you experienced kidsplaining?

If so, how did you handle it?

WNW Kidsplain 2020-09-23.jpg

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