Word Nerd Wednesday: Lucky


Have you ever wondered where the expression “The Luck of the Irish” originated? As an Irish American, I certainly have! Multiple sources I consulted say this is an American-born phrase that emerged during the gold and silver rushes of the late 1800s.

Apparently many of the successful miners in that era happened to be of Irish or Irish American descent. People noticed the trend and started saying “luck of the Irish” as a euphamism for good luck. Experts suggest, however, not everyone meant it as a compliment. Jealousy and insecurity may have given the phrase a sarcastic sting. The implication was the only reason this group fared so well was luck, not because they were particularly skilled or hard working. With so much discrimination in history it is, sadly, not hard to believe this version of the story. Most entrepeneurs I know say their success came from mix of hard work and luck, so I choose to see the positive side of this expression.

St. Patrick’s Day is, to me, a day of inherent joy and optimism – a belief things will work out for the best. Who doesn’t want to have that kind of hopeful experience, even if it’s just for one day?

WNW Lucky 2021-03-17.jpg

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