Word Nerd Wednesday: Prescient


“Word Nerd Wednesday” is a weekly series that uses language to help us think differently and solve old problems in new ways.

WNW Prescient 2021-03-09.png

To be prescient is to have foresight – to know about things before they happen. Wouldn’t that be nice right about now?!

It’s a mashup of “pre” (ahead) and a Latin verb “scientia” (to know). Seems obvious, but…I have a confession to make. Despite taking Latin in high school, earning a degree in computer science, and being a word nerd, I was unaware that the word “science” comes directly from the Latin verb “to know.” How I made it this far without learning that is a mystery. Fear not, though. There’s a word for that, too! Nescience. It means ignorance (not knowing). How apropos.

Anyone want to test their own prescience by guessing next week’s word?

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