Word Nerd Wednesday – PRESSURE

WNW Pressure 2025

We’re 36 days into the new year. How’s everyone feeling?

If you answered “under pressure,” you’re not alone.

Almost every conversation I’ve had lately seems to revolve around pressure.

People are feeling the pressure to do more, decide faster, use less, be better.

Some pressure is good; it helps us stay motivated.

Too much pressure, though, and it starts to overwhelm.

I fear we’re leaning too much toward the latter scenario, but, I’m a researcher, so rather than assume I decided to ask. You can share in two ways:

1) Poll: Check out this poll I posted asking how much pressure you feel at work. Responses are anonymous.


2 ) Comments: If you’re comfortable sharing on either post, where that pressure is coming from? Has the pressure increased, or is it the same as usual? (These responses are obviously not anonymous, so feel free to change names!)