Word Nerd Wednesday – ROADBLOCK


I come from a long line of stubborn people. 

I love them dearly, but my family doesn’t like change and they don’t like being told what to do. Perhaps some of you out there can relate. 😉

This used to frustrate me to no end, but when I entered the corporate world I realized they’d done me a bit of backhanded favor. Their stubborn streak sparked the lifelong fascination with human behavior that has become the cornerstone of my career. 

Why do people resist doing things despite clear logic and overwhelming evidence? 

And, more importantly, what can we do to nudge them in the direction we think is best? 

These questions fascinate me, and they are key to the #CX conversation. 

Unfortunately, the standard answers I hear in the market are misguided.

Lack of executive support.

Competing objectives.

Limited resources. 

These are factors that limit CX activation, yes. But they’re often symptoms of more basic, fundamental issues. The most common underlying issues are:  

  1. Awareness. People can’t change habits they don’t realize they have.   
  2. Alternatives. If what they’re doing now doesn’t work, what should they do instead?  
  3. Ability. Just because someone knows what to do doesn’t mean they know how to do it. 
  4. Assurance. Leaders say they want things to change, but do they really? I’ll believe it when I see it. 
  5. Energy. Many people want to do the “right” thing but are so exhausted from trying to stay afloat they don’t have the extra effort that would take.

I’ve talked about these issues for years in my keynote “Overcoming Hidden Roadblocks to CX Success.” Over the next few weeks, I’ll share some of those insights and my favorite strategies for dealing with each issue.  

But before I do that, I’d love to learn from the community. 

How, if at all, have these Hidden Roadblocks caused friction in your world?

What strategies have worked or you to overcome them?