Word Nerd Wednesday: Slideument


“Word Nerd Wednesday” is a weekly series that uses language to help us think differently and solve old problems in new ways.

WNW Slideument (1).jpg

Today’s word is one I made up…slideument.

We need this new word to distinguish between presentations and written documents that just happen to be in Powerpoint or similar format.

There is nothing wrong with a slideument. Many clients want written reports in Powerpoint because it’s what executives are used to seeing. Slides also force writers into a more scanable, bulleted format than Word. But…

==> Just because a file is in Powerpoint does NOT mean you should project it on a screen or present it to an audience.

If people are reading they are not listening. I aim for <= 10 words per slide (usually fewer, a couple more if the slide is the definition of a word).

I tell you this not to admonish but to help you create better audience experiences. Friends don’t let friends present slideuments.

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