Today I heard a CX leader refer to their culture change initiative as a “detox.” It’s the perfect word. Culture = a set of shared beliefs that drive behavior patterns in an organization. Toxins = things that poison or harm a system they infiltrate. Few things are more harmful to an organization than misguided beliefs … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Detox
Word Nerd Wednesday: Technology
Today’s post was sparked by the ah-ha I had yesterday about still being a techie because the brain – where #customerexperience happens – is the ultimate legacy #technology. That got me thinking…I’d never looked up the definition of “technology.” Doing so led me down a fascinating rabbit hole! The debate about what constitutes technology and … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Ennui
An article in the NY Times last week titled We’ve All Hit A Wall got me thinking about the French word “ennui.” It’s used in English to describe a type of weary, restless boredom that many people seem to feel right now, including me. I wanted to share the idea of “ennui” with you because … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Or
Customers or employees? Digital or physical? Profit or loyalty? Questions like these are provocative, but they do more harm than good. How? By implying the two things on either side of “or” are mutually exclusive (i.e. a false dichotomy). Humans crave simple, clear-cut answers because, when they exist, we don’t have to think as hard … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Virtual
In a recent webinar about the future of events, William Sell said something powerful that seemed perfect for Word Nerd Wednesday. While talking about the difference between virtual and in-person events, he noted that the word “virtual” is most often used to describe things that are aren’t real. Virtual reality is a simulation, as is … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Lucky
Have you ever wondered where the expression “The Luck of the Irish” originated? As an Irish American, I certainly have! Multiple sources I consulted say this is an American-born phrase that emerged during the gold and silver rushes of the late 1800s. Apparently many of the successful miners in that era happened to be of … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Virus
We’re all tired of the word “virus,” but I read a fascinating word-nerdy piece in the NY Times this weekend that was too interesting not to share. It is long and dense, so I captured the highlights: “Virus” is the Latin word for poisonous liquid/venom. It’s been around since the 1500s as a general term … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Spring
“Word Nerd Wednesday” is a weekly series that uses language to help us think differently and solve old problems in new ways. There is a spirited debate every year about when Spring starts here in New England. Meteoroglogical Spring started March 1st, but it was 22° F this morning. Sorry, that’s not Spring in my … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Priority
“Word Nerd Wednesday” is a weekly series that uses language to help us think differently and solve old problems in new ways. The word “priority” first appeared in the 1400s. It’s meaning was “that which comes first in order of time (i.e. prior to everything else).” For roughly 500 years, priority existed only in the … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Platitude
“Word Nerd Wednesday” is a weekly series that uses language to help us think differently and solve old problems in new ways. You know platitudes when you hear them, even if you have never heard the word until now: The customer is always right.Leadership starts at the top.Customer expectations are changing. Customers are our most … Read more