Word Nerd Wednesday: Spring
“Word Nerd Wednesday” is a weekly series that uses language to help us think differently and solve old problems in new ways. There is a spirited debate every year about when Spring starts here in New England. Meteoroglogical Spring started March 1st, but it was 22° F this morning. Sorry, that’s not Spring in my … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Priority
“Word Nerd Wednesday” is a weekly series that uses language to help us think differently and solve old problems in new ways. The word “priority” first appeared in the 1400s. It’s meaning was “that which comes first in order of time (i.e. prior to everything else).” For roughly 500 years, priority existed only in the … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Platitude
“Word Nerd Wednesday” is a weekly series that uses language to help us think differently and solve old problems in new ways. You know platitudes when you hear them, even if you have never heard the word until now: The customer is always right.Leadership starts at the top.Customer expectations are changing. Customers are our most … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Travel
“Word Nerd Wednesday” is a weekly series that uses language to help us think differently and solve old problems in new ways. While working on a project in the travel ector I learned that the idea of an easy travel experience is an oxymoron, at least from an etymology perspective. The word “travel” evolved as … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Management
Calling what we do customer experience “management” may do more harm than good. Read why and what to say instead.
Word Nerd Wednesday: Hygiene
Some aspects of customer experience just have to be there in every interaction. I call those experience hygiene factors.
Do you know where that data came from?
How to avoid using sketchy stats in your customer experience business case.
Word Nerd Wednesday: Framework
Word Nerd Wednesday is a weekly series that uses words to learn about, understand, and improve the world around us. #wordnerdwednesday Someone asked me this week which customer experience framework I think is “best”. That’s a hard question to answer because the word “framework” means so many things to so many people, making it a … Read more
Word Nerd Wednesday: Inauguration
The strange connection between birds, fortune tellers, and the swearing in ceremony as we now know it.